Eluxemburgensia.lu now has a new chatbot: artificial intelligence at the service of Luxembourg's printed heritage

Sam Tanson, Minister for Culture, Claude D. Conter, Director of the National Library of Luxembourg BnL, and Carlo Blum, Deputy Director of the National Library of Luxembourg BnL, invited members of the press and media to discover the new chatbot on the eluxemburgensia.lu portal. Capable of understanding French, German and English, the chatbot assists Internet users in their exploration of Luxembourg history and offers reasoned answers based on historical press articles.

Thanks to a technology in use at ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence conversational agent developed by OpenAI, the BnL's experts have indexed the digitised Luxembourg documents and prepared a high-performance database that enables semantic searches to be carried out. This breakthrough marks a major milestone in the BnL's mission to offer easier and richer access to its digitised Luxembourg resources.

It should be noted that the chatbot is a free experimental tool that can be accessed remotely. To use it, all you need to do is log in using your reader's card or a Google account.

The chatbot can be accessed at this address: chat.eluxemburgensia.lu.

For further information on how to use the chatbot, please consult the online help: chat.eluxemburgensia.lu/info.

Press release by the National Library of Luxembourg (BnL)